Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck! "Solved"

Mar 15, 2012
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Hi all,
This will probably be the dumbest question ever, but please be gentle!

I have had an iWeb site hosted on MobileMe since 2009, and now of course, I have to move it on, due to MobileMe closing in June.

I have bought webspace hosting with 1and1 (I know but they have my domain name and have been good so far).

I have uploaded my site with no difficulty and everything works - except, that I need to move my linked files from MobileMe to the host.

I have followed their instructions, but I just can't get it to work. They want me to use webspace explorer, put a folder in the root directory and it should all work, but it isn't - so either I have been given the wrong information or I am just thick!

Please please please help or my school website will not be worth the digital paper its printed on!

Meic (stressed head teacher)


Jun 13, 2007
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

I'm only able to point you to this link in the hope that there is something there that will help you out.

I have no technical know-how regarding webspace explorer or website hosting.

Hope it helps somehow.
Mar 15, 2012
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

Thanks - I tried there but it didn't help :eek:(
Nov 26, 2010
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

I've just done this myself, and we're working with our local schools to migrate their sites to.
I need to move my linked files from MobileMe to the host
I don't understand what you mean here. Have you made a folder inside your iDisk and Linked to the files in there from iWeb?
Mar 15, 2012
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

I have uploaded our documents (pdfs) etc, to our MobileMe storage (idisk) and then shared them, so it generated a link, which then we pasted onto an icon on our iWeb site - so that when parents click on the icon, it would automatically download the document.

I just can't work out how to do this on our new host, even though I have followed their instructions.:(
Nov 26, 2010
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

That method probability won't work on your new host.

You may find it more Mac like to use Transmit and ftp to do this. Or use the hosts site admin software. The way you've done this may require a lot of fixing.

1. Make a Directory at the root level of your html Directory, (some hosts have other non html directories, like cgi), give it a simple meaningful name like downloads or newsletters.
2. Drag the Folder with these documents from your iDisk to your desktop, this may take a while. (I downloaded my whole old site too)
3. Using either Transmit or the host Software upload all the pdfs up to the Directory you made. (Some hosting software lets you extract a zip, if so you can zip all the documents upload the zip, and extract it in-place).
4. Once they are up there you should check you can download them by browser, typing in the URL, if the file loads into Safari, you got it right and can now use that URL, in iWeb to link to the document.
Mar 15, 2012
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Re: Moving to new host from MobileMe and now stuck!

I had tried this (as it was their method) and it didn't work...until...

I zipped the files, uploaded, and didn't bother to unzip, just linked, and now they work - they immediately download and my site is now back to normal!

You are a star! Thank you so so much - I just have to now move all the files over lol!

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