Issues with Rebooting and Startup Noise

Jul 20, 2018
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Hey everyone! Here's the issue I encountered today(for context, I have a 15-inch 2015 Macbook Pro, version 10.12.16.):

I was using gmail when my screen suddenly went a dark blue on me. Since the keyboard and mouse obviously weren't working, I tried pressing the restart key on the top right corner of the keyboard several times. When it finally starting rebooting, the only thing that happened was that the startup noise continued to play incessantly. The screen stayed dark. After about 5-10 minutes the startup noise ceased(my mac's battery was around 5%, so it must have run out of energy). I plugged it back in and tried rebooting it. While this time the screen appeared to be working better and it successfully rebooted to the desktop, the screen began turning off and on and the mouse often froze on me once I tried using Chrome and other programs. I tried rebooting it again and the same thing happened. Finally, I held down the command and R buttons while rebooting in an attempt to use Disk Utility to repair it. From there I used First Aid on the various disks.

Now it appears to be working fine - which I'm not complaining about - but the thing I have NO idea what caused these errors and if I've actually fixed the problem! I did drop it accidentally about two days ago(it fell a distance of about a foot and a half on to the ground), so that's possibly related? When I dropped it a few days ago the only way it appeared damaged was that it was making a strange fan noise which only persisted for a few minutes, then it stopped.

Any insight into what's going on here would be deeply appreciated! :)

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

Honestly, that is an issue I have not come across. It definitely could have something to do with dropping it. Unfortunately, AppleCare doesn't cover physical damage.

-Is there any physical damage to the case?
-There could be a lose cable due to the drop.
-This MBP is definitely NOT user-serviceable, so don't try to open it an reseat cables.

I recommend using it for a few weeks to see if you have any additional issues. If so, I would take it to an Apple Store to have it looked at.


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