I can't add sharing access to files

Mar 13, 2016
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When I log on to my grandson’s future computer I wanted to give him full sharing access. I go to share the drive and see “System” has “Read & Write”, “wheel” has “Read only” and “everyone” has “Read only”. I have no idea who “wheel” is. I select “+”, pick my grandson, and get “The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have the necessary permission.”. “Users and Groups” shows him to be an Admin.

That "wheel" user is new, I don’t have it on my new M1-iMac and didn’t have it on my old computer before I added my grandson to it. (I’m keeping my old computer until one program’s 64-bit conversion goes beta. Then I will delete my user from it, upgrade it to Catalina, and give it to my grandson). I don’t yet have my grandson’s AppleID set up in his account, and when I add or remove programs in his account, it asks for his user password.
Jan 25, 2017
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'wheel' is a group not a user. it's a necessary system group. by default only the root user belongs to it.

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