how to recover lost safari bookmarks

Sep 28, 2008
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i am new to mac help and a horrible typist - recently i suffered a hard drive crash and a knowlegeable friend helped me find lost data and copied it on my new hard drive. Now I have lost all my last 2 or 3 years of safari bookmarks (hundreds of them!) - I tried to look for help via google search and a reference to your forum suggested chaining to library and in it to safari folder and in that pslist. I tried clicking on these and I got a BBedit document and could not convert it to regular text. Please help me by any other suggestion on how to retrieve my bookmarks. I had wonderful physics, archaeology, math and art sites I would have to take months to refind. Thanks for your help


May 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hi there and welcome !

Have you got this file from your old hard drive...

Macintosh HD/yourUsername/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist

If you have then make sure Safari is not open and copy the old file into the same location on your new drive, overwriting the one that's there.



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