I wanted to transfer all 7,000 songs to my external hard-drive and followed instructions on a mac site that somebody kindly forwarded. Basically, I checked the box telling itunes to keep my tunes in order and to copy music to the itunes. Then in Preferences I pressed change location for the tunes and highlighted my external hard drive; then opened new folder and named it Muzak and chose it. Then, after okaying everything, I went to CONSOLIDATE itunes. But now, when I click on MUZAK, it does not have my whole itunes as I thought - it's empty. And when I open itunes on the desktop, there are exclamation marks - ! - before each song title and every time I try and play a song it says 'can't find original' or something similar. THEN, when I ok that, it can play, and shifts the song as a file to MUZAK on the external drive. I thought I'd changed the library location to my external hard-drive. Shouldn't I be able to just play the tunes and have them stored AS THEY WERE originally on itunes, on my external drive? Having consolidated, where do I go from here?!! Please help!...Thanks!