Cannot Install Updates - Invalid Checksum

Mar 29, 2013
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Trying to Update OSX 10.8.2 to 10.8.3. Keep getting the following error messages: "Image Data Corrupted during the download" OR "Update could not be expanded" OR "Invalid Checksum" when downloading & expanding the update. Experience similar messages with other upgrades as well, e.g. Flip4Mac. Some downloads however expand & install trouble free - although they are in the minority. My System: iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core Duo; 6 G 800MHz DD2 SDRAM Current OS: v 10.8.2; Modem: CISCO DPC-3825 Wireless BroadBand. Have tried: Phone call to Apple Tech Support; Repairing Permissions; Restart from Recovery HD; Turning OFF & Reboot iMac & Modem; replace wireless modem connection with direct Ethernet hook-up to modem; Removed preferences from Library\preferences\, plus a few other things. So far, no change. Still cannot download files without contamination. Most recent error Message: WARNING: The following disk images could not be opened: OSXUpdCombo10.8.3; Reason: Invalid Checksum. What would you suggest? THANKS ! Ron, Prince George, BC. Canada :eek:
Nov 26, 2010
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This is a problem with your Internet, something is garbling the download, router, phoneline, line to the house, line to the exchange, the exchange. You are complaining to the wrong people, you should be on your Telco and ISP

Or your HDrive is dying, my guess is bad internet. These update are very large.

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