Another Excellent Reason to Wait for Upgrading to High Sierra

Sep 17, 2014
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The good folks at Micromat (the company that makes Tech Tool Pro) has provided some important information about SuperDuper! and OS 10.13, High Sierra. Here is the link from Shirt Pocket software, the developers of SuperDuper!:

I suspect the same is true for Carbon Copy Cloner, another excellent program.

Also, here is a statement from Micromat that is so, so true:

"If you're a normal user, I would strongly encourage you to not update to High Sierra right away. Let others take the risk. Wait until things calm down and the initial problems, which are inevitable, are fixed. Continue doing what you've been doing before High Sierra: you're not missing anything of significance."

So, so true. And in my case, it is imperative that six third party programs I have (1Password, SuperDuper!, Office 2016, Tech Tool pro, Onyx, and Logitech Control Center) MUST all be compatible before I will upgrade.

Finally, there is nothing I "must have" in High Sierra, so an upgrade at this time is really not necessary. I am running fine with the latest version of Sierra, OS 10.12.6.

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