Relationship between Library, Media file and device?

Sep 1, 2021
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Can someone explain to me the relationship between library, media files, and device? Let's say I have a several IOS device and I want to sync it to a common computer (a windows). I would install itunes. The iTunes would create a single library. This library can be determine when I launch Itune with the shift key on a windows PC.

Can I assume that each device will end up inside the same library? What if each device uses a different apple ID.
Sep 1, 2021
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OK, also some poking around.
  • Itune can setup multiple libraries. By default, it goes to c:\users\<userid>\music\itunes. You can move this to a different location or select a different library by pressing down the shift button and launching itunes.
  • Each itune libraries can store multiple devices. There is a separate menu where you can login into the account for each device. Note that when you backup the device using itunes, it requires you to log into the account or the backup is greyed out.
  • Backups are stored in c:\users\<userid>\Apple\MobileSync\Backup. There is no way to change the location at least not physically. One way to get around this would be to move the backup folder to external and then create a symbolic link to the c:\users\<userid>\Apple\MobileSync\Backup
  • Items you purchased are stored which by default is \iTunes Library\iTunes Media under your itunes library directory.
I am guessing that for best practices. if your PC has multiple accounts, you can have each person setup a separate Itunes library. However, most of my idevices are used by my kids, who I don't want to have on my computer. My PC has multiple drive. The system drive is just for system stuff and a second drive is for data. itune stuff belong to this category. I am going to
  1. Have a single itune library for the family.
  2. Have all of the IOS device associated with this library.
  3. Use a symbolic link to move Backup to the data drive since Apple won't let you change the backup location.
  4. Backup library folder.
Assuming my computer is wiped out and I get a new computer, I should be able to restore library file and store itunes?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
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You can sync as many iOS devices as you want to a single iTunes Library. It is possible to use multiple Apple IDs in a single iTunes Library, but you have to sign out and sing in to the accounts each time...kind of a pain.

There are few things you can do:
  • Have each person have an account on the PC, where they can sign in with their own Apple ID to iTunes
  • Use Apple's Family Sharing to connect the Apple IDs
  • Make all purchases with a singled Apple ID in iTunes, maintain the library, and sync all the devices from that library manually
  • Use multiple iTunes libraries on PC
Instead of backing up all the devices on the PC, use iCloud Backup on each device. They will all get 5GB of space with their Apple ID. The Family Sharing can share iCloud space as well, and you can upgrade that to 50GB for $0.99 USD/month: Upgrade your iCloud storage plan

I haven't used any of the additional Apple services like Family Sharing, Apple Music, Apple One, iCloud Photo Library, etc., as it is just me and I maintain everything manually.

Hope that helps,


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