Rebuilding Entourage 2008.

Feb 9, 2015
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Unfortunately i have had to rebuild my Macbook Pro after the OS 10.10.2 crashed. Now i have Entourage 2008 installed again, how can i rebuild the old data base (emails) from my previously backed up data? Thanks!
Sep 17, 2014
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First of all, it would be better if you explained how exactly you "rebuilt your Macbook Pro" after OS 10.10.2 "crashed". That is all nebulous terminology. There is way to rebuild the rebuild the database, and this link explains how (along with the precautions one needs to take):
Feb 9, 2015
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Hi honestone thanks for your reply, what has happened with my MacBook Pro is that the OS crashed so i had no choice but to backup all my data then clean install the OS along with all my other software including Entourage 2008. So what i am looking for help with is to see how i can 'reload' all my historic data- emails etc back onto Entourage 2008.
Sep 17, 2014
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When you say "backup all my data", what exactly does that mean? That is, did you just backup "everything" except the OS?

One of the folders created with the OS (along with the setup procedure ones goes through) is called Users, located at the "root" level (that is, after you boot up your Mac and click on the hard disk/partition that contains the OS and your applications). Within the Users folder, there is another one that (typically) is named with your name (or whatever you used when you ran through the setup). Within that folder, there is one called Documents, and within that one is one called Microsoft User Data (assuming you use Office), and within that is one called Office 2008 Identities (in your case; mine says Office 2011 Identities). Within that, there is a folder that is called Main Identity. That is the one that contains the database with all your EMails (included deleted ones). If prior to your crash you have a backup of your system, then you could get that Main Identity folder from the last "good" backup you made.
Feb 9, 2015
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Hi honestone, thank you again. Now i had backed up all my data except the OS which was re installed again. Now i would like to put all my emails etc back into Entourage 2008.
I have all my data re installed back onto the laptop and i have the folder Home/Users/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities there is all my email accounts with the Database, Mailing Lists, My Day.plist, Rules, Signatures & Summary.plist. It is all there. How do i input this back into the Entourage 2008 application?
Sep 17, 2014
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After you re-installed the OS, did you re-install each of your applications? If you did, then that Microsoft Main Identity folder should have been created after you launched Entourage. You should be able to just take your backed-up Main Identity folder and copy it "over" the new one.

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