Need Help creating a CD set

Jun 11, 2007
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Hi...I'm new to this forum, and, I know that there are some threads somewhere about putting startup discs on DVD, however, I just downloaded, or rather, am still downloading a Mac OS X 10.4 (I know it's obvious) Tiger Install CD Kit off of, and have Roxio Toast Titanium 6, as well as Titanium 5.1. I have burnt several sets, however the results are the same: non-bootable there anyone who can help me? /!\ I find this extremely frustrating /!\

I'm sure that this is quite important - I am using an eMac running OS X 10.2.8, and am using an Iomega external CD-RW drive.
Jun 8, 2006
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Hello again!

I would be extremely cautious downloading something like that.

Your best bet is to purchase the Tiger disks from apple. I think it is $129 US. Also, the new OS (leopard) is scheduled for release in October in the US. Those downloads can have some major flaws in them which can effect your whole system and you could loose data because of it.

Sorry to say that.

Jun 11, 2007
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I must say, thank you, I wasn't quie sure anyone would even give this post a second glance, or if someone was going to post a snotty reply. Well, that does sadden me..., however, it's a good thing to know. Now, what about direct disc copies? Would those be safer to use?
And can one convert an install set from DVD to CD?
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hello again!

Sorry, I should have asked if you had a DVD drive or just a CD ROM drive. I believe you can still purchase the CD ROM (not DVD) disks from Apple for the same $129. You may want to give them a call and see if they can ship you some.

As far as direct disks copies, if they are from someone you trust, then there should not be a problem. But again, the disks can be damaged. Apple disks are very sensitive. Even the smallest microscopic scratch will freeze up the install. Just make sure you are aware of the legal ramifications if you go this route. I don't advise doing this, but in the end it is your decision.

r if someone was going to post a snotty reply.

No one should be posting snotty posts anyway. That's not how we do things around here.


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