Hidden folder is now visible

May 16, 2012
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I have a hidden folder on my desktop that I created using the following method:

Terminal > "cd desktop" > "mv '(folder name)' '.(folder name)'

This hid the folder for a long time.

I haven't changed any settings that I'm aware of, but now the hidden folder is now visible on the desktop. It has an opaque/faded folder icon and is still titled with the period before the folder name, but it is still visible, clickable, and directly accessible.

Has anybody experienced this problem or know what I can do to hide the folder again? Thanks.

I am running OSX 10.7.3
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
I just ran a test here, and it stays "hidden" but maybe it has something to do with Locking and Unlocking, that happens after 2 weeks.

Its not the best way to secure a folder. I'd recommend making a password protected disc image, and just keep it mounted while working in it. Far more secure and easy to administer.

You could try updating to 7.4 see if that fixes it???
May 16, 2012
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I figured it out. Some time ago I had tinkered around with this code:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

But I didn't restart my computer after executing this command, and so nothing happened. I forgot all about it when I restarted my computer today. Executing the command with "FALSE" in place of "TRUE" and then restarting the computer hid the folder again.

Thanks for helping out!

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