Frustrated .... Searched forums for days and nights. Help!

Apr 25, 2015
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Hi all. I'm new here. And despite the moniker, I am reasonably tech savy, although this one has me stumped.

Part of my problem when searching for a solution is its hard to phrase the question for a google search or a forum search. I need to write it out. So here we go:

Anytime I try to load something into an app, lets say my VLC player or perhaps my Aimersoft DVD burner, when I go to "file"/ "load media" the window opens up with my options as to where to get the file, and it is always on "desktop" . After about 2 seconds, got it, ....the spinning beachball of death. (lol I love that name, learned it this week as this is my first Mac).

Its a Mac mini btw running OSX 10.9.5

Now.... let me say, I completely got rid of VLC and Aimersoft, and reloaded them again. Guess what? They work. I can load items from anywhere now in them. So I thought I had it fixed, right? Wrong.

Tonight I went to run a Craigslist ad and when I went to add photos (pushed the "upload photos" button on C/L, it opens up the window, its stuck at desktop, and you guessed it comes the sbbod.

I have to force quit Firefox. (Firefox not responding)

I don't use Safari but I tried it just to see if it was an issue with Firefox and my extensions like adblock, noscript, etc.... but Safari does the same thing. I have to force quit it.

Now there is more than one way to skin a cat and fortunately the "add photos" page on Craigslist allows you to drag and drop so that's what I did instead of using their "browse" button. I got the ad done, but stuff like this drives me crazy until I figure it out.

I can't give you a screenshot because if I hit the "upload a file" below... lo f'ing L, I'll have to force quit Firefox and type this all over. Gotta love computers huh? Thanks in advance and peace.


Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Need you to check how much free space on your hard drive …

Anything you might have done prior to this issue that could be connected?

Been running 10.9.5 for long? How was it running prior to this issue?

Tried using another account for test purposes?
Apr 25, 2015
Reaction score
Hey, ...thanks for answering. I have 200G free of 498G. 10.9.5 since new.
To be honest, I can't say when it started.

I will try using another account. I take it that means using "guest".

I tried emailin a pic today and the same damn thing happens. The "upload file" window opens and here comes the beachball. flippin annoying.

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