Happy New Year's to all.
Have a new iMac, and trying to learn.
Lots different than with my old W10 pc.
The main reason I'm now part of the Apple World is that my W10 pc became
totally unusable. Pretty well convinced that it was due to the automatic downloads
by MS of their new updates. Totally screwed everything.
Incredible number of hours spent trying to repair, without success.
Apparently in W10 there is no way to stop the "automatic" downloads feature by MS.
They don't even ask permission to do so first.
So, I am of course really worried that the same thing might happen to my new iMac
once I install W10 on it.
a. How likely ? Any reports of ?
b. Any way of prohibiting ?
Will it do it by itself, again, whenever I'm on the W10 side ?
c. Do I need, or want, separate virus protection programs for the Apple side, and also
a separate one for the W10 side ?
d. Really impressed as to how the Apple OS found and re-created all my old
Comcast eMail Folders, and also initially configured itself for their eMail Program. Painless.
Would I need (or want) a separate eMail program for the W10 side ?
e. Any "nuances" or "caveats" about using and running W10 on the iMac that
I should perhaps be aware of ?
Is the experience of using W10 on the iMac pretty much identical to what I would
have if I was using a regular pc with W10 ? Differences ?
Happy New Year's to all.
Have a new iMac, and trying to learn.
Lots different than with my old W10 pc.
The main reason I'm now part of the Apple World is that my W10 pc became
totally unusable. Pretty well convinced that it was due to the automatic downloads
by MS of their new updates. Totally screwed everything.
Incredible number of hours spent trying to repair, without success.
Apparently in W10 there is no way to stop the "automatic" downloads feature by MS.
They don't even ask permission to do so first.
So, I am of course really worried that the same thing might happen to my new iMac
once I install W10 on it.
a. How likely ? Any reports of ?
b. Any way of prohibiting ?
Will it do it by itself, again, whenever I'm on the W10 side ?
c. Do I need, or want, separate virus protection programs for the Apple side, and also
a separate one for the W10 side ?
d. Really impressed as to how the Apple OS found and re-created all my old
Comcast eMail Folders, and also initially configured itself for their eMail Program. Painless.
Would I need (or want) a separate eMail program for the W10 side ?
e. Any "nuances" or "caveats" about using and running W10 on the iMac that
I should perhaps be aware of ?
Is the experience of using W10 on the iMac pretty much identical to what I would
have if I was using a regular pc with W10 ? Differences ?