Dreamweaver security leak?

Jun 5, 2012
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I was a happy camper using Adobe GoLive for the past 10+ years. Even though Adobe discontinued the program when they acquired Macromedia, I had no reason to change. I had already climbed the steep learning curve and the program did everything I required.

Alas, GoLive will not run on Lion, so when I finally made the change last month I made the unfortunate decision to go out an purchase Adobe Dreamweaver. Thus begins my tale of woe.

I find the program's functionality, ease of use and stability to be sorely lacking, especially so for a version 12.0 product... but that's a topic for another post (ok, rant).

I was able to install the program, connect to the server that hosts my site, sync the files and make some minor changes without issue. A few days later, the calls from customers started... "your site is infected with malware...". A cursory check with Safari showed nothing unusual. Then I tried browsing to my site with Chrome and up popped an ominous red page:

Warning: Something’s Not Right Here!
getfutons.com contains content from rec-creations.com, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.

I immediately checked the server and found that the modification dates had changed on several html pages. I also found an unrecognized .htaccess file on the server. I changed my password, reverted the html pages and removed the strange file. After that the Chrome warning went away and everything was fine for a few days. Then it all happened again. I found a company (Sucuri Security) to monitor my site and when it happened again, they reported that the host server had been accessed by an IP number located in Germany. My assumption is that the server login and password are being sniffed out due to a security leak with Dreamweaver. Adobe support is less than useless. Any constructive advice would be appreciated.

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