Automator +/- Applescript for restarting in boot camp in Catalina with TouchID

May 4, 2020
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Hi all,

had a quick search so hopefully I'm not treading well-trodden ground here - but apologies if I am.

I want to create an Automator quick action that restarts my mac in the Windows install I instituted via Boot Camp. I have no knowledge whatsoever about the program; I've been trying to learn but finding it very difficult so far.

The funny thing is, I only want this (this specific way of rebooting in windows less laboriously) because it already exists -in my hunt for a way, I found this workflow, which does the job beautifully:
...Or at least it did. I upgraded my laptop to a 16" touchID model very soon after finding this and the workflow no longer works - and nor does the amendment posted on the same github for touchID macbooks :confused:. I made a post there but have not had any reply from the writers involved.

Is anyone able/willing to help me adapt or create a version of this that will work with my modern TouchID Macbook pro running Catalina? Pretty please?

Thank you!

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

I am afraid I don't have much experience in Automator myself.

Maybe the folks over at MacScripter can lend a hand?

Jan 25, 2017
Reaction score
Looking at the code, it seems that it replicates a set of selections and keypresses. I would think your problem is because the sequence or location of the required presses has changed. I do not use Bootcamp on Catalina so cannot explore the idea. As Cory said maybe MacScripter is the place to ask.

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