Apple Releases V10.11.2 of El Capitan

Sep 17, 2014
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I just saw this on

As stated in that link, make sure to backup your Mac first before installing OS 10.11.2.

There are 3 ways one can "update" to OS 10.11.2:

1. As the link says, one can get the full OS 10.11.2 installer from the Apple store today.

2. Tomorrow, a "delta" OS 10.11.2 will most likely be available. That file will be much smaller, and thus the update will go quickly.

3. Also tomorrow, an OS 10.11.2 Combo Updater will be available. That will be "somewhat" larger than the "delta" updater, but certainly smaller than the "full" updater. It basically contains everything in the OS 10.11.1 and OS 10.11.2 updates. I have always gone that route, and it has served me well.
Sep 17, 2014
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Another update, for those that are interested. I downloaded the OS 10.11.2 Combo Update yesterday, and have installed it on both of my Macs. So far, no issues, and I am not seeing any real differences yet from OS 10.11.1.

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