Apple mail/gmail slow to arrive

Oct 26, 2016
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Using chiefly iPad min 6 & iPhone XR , I have noticed that incoming e-mails are slow to appear in mailboxes. Notification is as usual but loading any message so that it is readable takes up to 30 minutes. Equally slow on both devices.
Recent software updates (this week) made no difference.

Any clues anybody?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
  • I assume you haven't changed any settings, correct?
  • How many emails (read and unread) are in the inboxes?
  • How many mail accounts are setup?
  • Who are the email providers?
  • How much free space is available on the iPad and iPhone?
  • Are the email accounts also setup on a Mac/computer, and of so, is it slow there too?
Oct 26, 2016
Reaction score
Cory, Thank you for your response. Problem is transitory. Here's my answers:

I assume you haven't changed any settings, correct? YES.
How many emails (read and unread) are in the inboxes? NONE today.
How many mail accounts are setup? 4.
Who are the email providers? Gmail, Hotmail & iCloud. Gmail the most used.
How much free space is available on the iPad and iPhone? iPad available 220GB of 256, iPhone 32.9 of 64 GB
Are the email accounts also setup on a Mac/computer, and of so, is it slow there too? Set up on another iPad, MacBook Pro M1 (2020) Monterey 12.4, and iMac (2011) on High Sierra 10.13.6. Not seen as particularly slow on the MBPro M1 as I usually deal with mail on Pad/Phone.
Notably today, e-mails, once read are slow to clear the announcement of their arrival.

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