Fans running on startup but macbook remains dark + unresponsive

Jun 28, 2014
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This just happened a few minutes ago. I woke up and tried to turn my computer on. At first I thought the battery was dead, and when I pressed the little battery check button on the side only one light came on. But then the lights came on in a pattern, and then when I pressed it again more of them came on each time.

I plugged it in anyway and tried turning it on again. Right away the fans kicked up. The laptop is not hot. I tried resetting the PRAM but it did not respond. I plugged my phone into the laptop to see if it would charge it and nothing happened. The capslock key does not light up when I press it. The fan is still running as I type this. All of the check battery lights come on when I try them and the laptop is still plugged in - the charger light is also on. There has been no startup chime.

It's a MacBook Pro, late 2011. I've been running a lot of steam games on it, which is the only thing I can think of that might have done something, but I always turn it off for a while if it gets too hot. Please help?!
Nov 26, 2010
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Sounds like your OS X needs reinstalling.

The fans always start and run full until the Mac passes it's self tests and then shuts them down, but if those test don't pass or it don't get to that step the fans keep going. Try booting form and external DVD or drive.

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