PPC9600 OS8.5 USB - How?

Jun 29, 2008
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I have a PowerPC 9600 350mhz. An amazing machine.

I am running Avid Media Composer 7.2 on Mac OS 8.5. This version of Avid does not run on later OSes. I cannot upgrade Avid because this was the last version to support the hardware that I have.

Now, I need to connect USB devices to it. Most essentially an external floppy drive, or at least a USB Pen Drive.

Can any USB PCI expansion card work? Is there a SCSI to USB connector?
Or, are external SCSI Floppy Drives available, that can be detected by OS8.5?
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
Hi I am not too well acquainted with the older macs, if you look here http://www.mactracker.ca
I don't think there is a USB/SCCSI converter but you do have pci expansion slots so you could fit a USB card. I hope all works out well for you.

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