I have a 4GB nano, bought for me last January as a 40th birthday pressie.
The display has been doing odd things for a couple of months now including reversing the image, doubling it, or even both at the same time. It has now ceased to show anything at all, other than to shine brightly. Player still works, though obviously its difficult to manage selections!
I understand this is a not uncommon issue with early nano's, and that Apple (possibly) issued a recall on these for screen related issues last year, though it didn't get to me if they did.
I'd be grateful to anyone who can comment on their experience of similar problems, and if / how they were resolved. The machine has a personalised engraving, and is of sentimental value, so repair is preferable, but I'm aware of Apple's poor record on out of warranty problems.
Many Thanks
The display has been doing odd things for a couple of months now including reversing the image, doubling it, or even both at the same time. It has now ceased to show anything at all, other than to shine brightly. Player still works, though obviously its difficult to manage selections!
I understand this is a not uncommon issue with early nano's, and that Apple (possibly) issued a recall on these for screen related issues last year, though it didn't get to me if they did.
I'd be grateful to anyone who can comment on their experience of similar problems, and if / how they were resolved. The machine has a personalised engraving, and is of sentimental value, so repair is preferable, but I'm aware of Apple's poor record on out of warranty problems.
Many Thanks