help viewing .mov files on mac i7

Apr 18, 2015
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I have a bunch of go pro footage in .mov

I originally downloaded it through Go Pro Studio onto my macbook pro OS X 10.9.2 For some reason the footage has to convert when I click on it...a quicktime issue perhaps....however eventually, it converts. If I don't want to go through that process I am easily able to see and view my footage in final cut X.

Now, I am trying to view this same footage on my iMac 7 osx 10.9.5 and it doesn't even recognize it. I've downloaded a file converter (on iMac 7) as well as Go Pro studio, however neither recognize the footage. Apple response sends me to page with usable formats which the .mov clearly is.

Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
You could try downloading QuickTime Player 7 to see if that will play the .mov files.

It's not the same as the QuickTime Player app you have in your Applications folder … this one will install into your Utilities Folder which is in your Applications folder … I don't think current Mac OS X versions come with this anymore, don't know why? But give it a go anyhow ...

QuickTime Player 7 for Mac OS X v10.6.3 or later

Strange this … I sent some .mov files to a friend who has Yosemite installed & she can't play them either!
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Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
It seems GoPro Studio is creating a non-standard compressed MOV file.

-Can you QuickLook the file?
-Did you try installing QuickTime 7 as suggested?
-Do they play properly on a Windows machine?
-Are they HD or 4K files.

I have seen the QuickTime conversion step issue before with several brands of digital video cameras. Once the file is converted by QuickTime, it should play normally. It is usually due to some form or compression or audio muxing.


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