Help/advice with transferring a hard drive to a different laptop

Oct 10, 2016
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I am new to this forum. Thank you in advance to anyone who can comment on my question, and I apologize if similar questions have been asked in the past! (I searched through the archives but I wasn't able to tell if the answers there apply to my situation).

I have a Macbook (mid 2010) with an updated hard drive (2014, Samsung SSD). I spilled water on my laptop this week and unfortunately the keyboard and logic board are now corroded. The estimate for these repairs (parts and labour) was $450, which seems a bit steep for a laptop that will likely need to be replaced in the next year or two anyway.
I'm between jobs right now, so purchasing a brand new laptop is also not a great option at this time.

What I'd like to do it buy a used Macbook, similar to my current model (I am perfectly happy with its function and it meets my needs), and transfer my newish hard drive into it. I did the upgrade on my original laptop with my dad and we worked it out, so I'm not too worried about being able to do the transfer. My question is about the hard drive itself- when doing this type of transfer, how do you know whether the hard drive is compatible with the laptop? Are there certain specifications to look for in the laptop? Specifically, I have the opportunity to buy a used late 2009 Macbook for a very reasonable price, and am hoping to put the hard drive in that.

I can provide more information (e.g. specific model numbers) if needed!

Again, I apologize if this seems like a silly question, but I'm fairly new to this kind of thing and want to make sure I've planned it out properly. I really appreciate your help!

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
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Hello and welcome.

Basically speaking, any SSD is compatible with all MacBook Pros. The only caveat is the interface you go older, it goes down. I am currently using a 500 GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD in my MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2007, 2.4 GHz), which only has a SATA 1.5Gb/s interface. The Samsung SSDs support all - SATA 1.5Gb/s, 3Gb/s, and 6Gb/s. It's only an issue with transfer speed.

MacBook Pro (Mid 2010): 3Gb/s interface
MacBook Pro (Mid 2009): 3Gb/s interface

It should work fine and without any speed difference. Hope that helps.

Oct 10, 2016
Reaction score
Thank you very much for reply and clarifying the information and what to look out for!

A quick second question - the laptops I am looking at are the regular Macbooks, not Macbook Pro. Do the same interfaces apply in these models too?

Thanks again,

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