Bootcamp update problem. Very confused.

Jun 17, 2012
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Hi guys,

I've been trying to upgrade Bootcamp on my Windows 7 partition to be officially compatible with Windows 7, but I've been having some problems:

I have a Macbook Pro (Mid 2009) and I'm running Windows 7 on Bootcamp. I just got the new OS yesterday.

However, I know only certain versions of Bootcamp officially support Windows 7. I checked the version of my Bootcamp on my Mac OSX partition, and it was version 3.0 (.6 or .something, but 3.0 for sure).

But the Bootcamp on my Windows 7 partition is 2.2, a version that I'm told does NOT support Windows 7 even though everything seems to be working fine.

My Macbook Pro OSX is now version 10.6, but when I bought it, it was 10.5 still. I guess through Apple Software Updates, I've upgraded it since then. And the disc that came with it is MAC OS VERSION 3.5.7. This is the disc I used to install the drivers on my Windows 7 partition.

So my question is, if Bootcamp on the mac side is 3.0, how do I get the Windows 2.2 Bootcamp to be 3.0 as well so that I can continue to update it and be officialy compatible with Windows 7.

Thanks a lot,
- Lucas

BTW: When I click Apple Software Update while in Windows 7 it says I'm up to date.

And could the old Bootcamp version be responsible for slower speed on the OSX side of things by any chance?
Nov 26, 2010
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No Bootcamp has nothing to do with the speed of your Mac. Is your HDrive getting full?
Jun 17, 2012
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Nope, lots of space. I think I'm just going to have to bite the 25$ bullet and buy snow leopard CD. It seems like the only way around it.

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